The UPS Delivery from HELL!!!

Affirmation Card:  Determination

There is no talk or hesitation
I can and I will today

On November 8th, 2021 I received my first UPS delivery. Four boxes filled with affirmation cards and boxes.

I was recovering from a hysterectomy and the doctor advised me not to lift anything over 10 lbs for 12 weeks. I opened the boxes outside hoping to take one inside and realized they were all INDIVIDUAL and I had to not only assemble the decks but the boxes as well.  I was one annoyed woman but I was determined to get these cards in the house and not wait for Steve to come home and help.

Patience, I have none.

I put as many as I could in my arms without reaching the 10lb limit. I carried stacks back and forth until I was able to get 1,000 boxes and over 24,000 cards into my home.

Now the hard part. Who was going to put these decks together? I started an assembly line in my dining room and every night after work Steve, Kya and I would build my decks. Kya, a typical teenager, had zero interest in helping. It interrupted her limited TikTok time. I said, “ Then blare the music and LET’S GO!” We all had certain tasks, the box builder, the collator and the person to review the final deck. Well let’s just say Kya got demoted on the first day.  While dancing to TikTok’s a whole row of cards were missing from the deck!

Yikes, not good. We figured Kya’s expertise was not assembling cards but rather social media and videos. Still trying to make mom viral on TikTok @positivevibeaffirmations she is my go to girl for photography and social media! Poor Steve is still assembling decks. 


Frank’s advice Part 1